Can I Just Tell You?

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Can I just tell you? This whole site needs an overhaul. My goodness! Thank you for visiting, come back again in a few weeks. I still appreciate your support. :)
I love your support. So many of you have encouraged me to keep writing all these years. I took a few years off because I wasn't feeling very confident about my skill and self-conscience about my subject matter. I really appreciate your gentle (sometimes haunting) push to get back on the proverbial horse. My favorite thing in the world is making someone laugh, typically at my own expense. It warms my heart to hear that my silly stories have helped you smile or laugh out loud when you felt like that's the last thing you could do.


I also really appreciate the support of many boyfriends who read through my entire collection of crazy and still chose to continue dating. I'm not sure if you felt bad for me or found me charming. Regardless, thanks for the encouragement.


I'm going to change things up a little bit. As you may have guessed, from some of my posts, I have aspirations of writing a book. (Or two, three, or four… We'll see.) Anyway, all of my stories, up to 3/6/17, are true and happened to me. I'm thinking about adding some characters to my stories and playing around with fiction writing. You'll be able to tell the real stories from fiction. I think. ;-)


I'm not sure what my books are going to be like, yet. I've always enjoyed reading fiction but, maybe non-fiction is the right path for me. I'm pretty confident with the voice I've developed in telling my silly stories and would like to continue to write in that tone. I know I'm going to start off slow because, as you know, self-discipline has never been one of my stronger qualities. I may try to play around with other subjects, too. Stay tuned.


This site is meant to make you laugh through stories that you may be able to relate to whether it's sour love, a cooking disaster, a social faux-pas, etc. So, bear with me as I stumble through my experiences, hopefully, more gracefully than the actual event, but just as funny, and either share the lesson or just make you laugh out loud.

If there's ever a story that really hits your funny bone or makes your day, let me know. I'd love to hear from you.

So, sit back, put on your reading glasses and enjoy.

Please, take a minute to sign my guest book. It seems I have readers from around the world. I'd be more than happy to put you on an update list so you'll know when I have a new post. Cheers!


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Monday, March 24, 2008


So, I’m Greek. Not sure if you know anyone Greek but for Easter, we eat lamb and crack red eggs after dinner. The only excitement happens when someone of grandparent age sneaks in a wooden egg and cracks everyone else’s eggs, including the children’s. (Whoever has the un-cracked egg gets good luck for the year.) My Easter is April 27th this year so, my Favorite-Aunt-Sis (she’s asked me to call her that since I was a child) invited me for Easter. She’s not Greek.

I got there just before the jellybean hunt. Now, in my 35 years, I have never done a jellybean hunt, we just don’t do that. Again, red eggs, lamb (which is a WHOLE other story, by the way.) In fact, let me digress, this could be part of why I’m still single…

My mom is from Greece, right off the boat. I grew up in a very Mediterranean environment, you know, everybody gets wine no matter how old (we’d take a sip and gag) and for every celebration, gathering, ailment, heartache, whatever, we ate. Could also be why I’ve been on a diet since I was 7…

Anyway, Easter has ALWAYS been my favorite holiday for a number of reasons, one, it’s my name day (I am named after a holy event, all Greeks are either named after a religious event or a saint) so I always got a present. Also, my grandparents would get a lamb about a month before and keep it in the cellar. Alive, of course.

So, every Sunday, after church, we’d go visit my YiaYia and Papou and my brother Jeff and I would sprint downstairs to play with Fluffy, (I named him.)

Easter Sunday rolled around, I was either 6 or 7, Jeff and I ran down to play with our “pet.” We searched everywhere but Fluffy was nowhere to be found. Since, I was the oldest and most impatient, I ran upstairs to ask where he was and my mom’s uncle, forever the comedian, pointed to the platter in the center of the table.

Who does that?????

Can I just tell you? I couldn’t eat lamb for at least 10 years! Have you ever had lamb cooked outside on a spit? It’s probably the best thing you’re ever going to put in your mouth. (Besides, Haagen Dazs Bailey’s Icecream, of course. I tried that at my Favorite-Aunt-Sis’ after Easter dinner. I can’t imagine going back to Ben & Jerry now.)

Anyway, so back to jellybeans and colored Easter eggs… my cousin’s kids got to go on a hunt for plastic pastel colored eggs filled with coins and puzzle pieces. They were told riddles on where to find the eggs. I have never seen kids so beside themselves excited in my life. I have to admit, it was a little bittersweet as my Easter memories waned back to little Fluffy marinating on the table.

I can’t believe I missed out on the Easter egg hunts! When they found all the eggs, they had to put together the puzzle pieces to get the grand prizes which were Webkins, these little stuffed animals that you take care of on the Internet. (Now, that’s my kind of pet!)

I ended up staying for, at least, 8 hours and I don’t think I stopped eating for a minute! (FYI, I am officially off the weigh-in wagon.)

Mon, March 24, 2008 | link          Comments

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My main goal is to make you smile and, hopefully, laugh out loud by sharing experiences that you can either relate to or just appreciate that it didn't happen to you.

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